To evaluate focal or diffuse liver processes with MR, including liver mass characterization.
Common sequences
Scout localizer images:
3 planes, 5 images. FLASH (spoiled GRE)

Axial T2 weighted images:
We acquire two types of T2 weighted sequences:
  • Single shot, which are fast, but not considered by purists to be strictly T2 weighted (have T2* influences)
  • T2 spin echo, which are slower and require breath holds and as such may be motion degraded

Axial In and Out of phase:
Acquired for characterization of fat-containing lesions. Lesions containing microscopic fat will drop signal on out-of-phase relative to in-phase. This is also used for fat content characterization of the hepatic parenchyma.

Diffusion with ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient):
ADC is calculated by comparing the signal at b value 0 with the signal acquired at another b value with a diffusion gradient (between 500-1000 sec/mm2). ADC is measured in mm2/s. Of note, at a b value of 0, the signal intensity is based on T2 weighting (which is why this is another valuable opportunity to look for T2 hyperintense lesions).

DWI relies on the normal random motion of water molecules. If there are fewer cells and more water, water molecules will diffuse freely. As the molecules diffuse freely, they will not receive the full rephrasing gradient to capture all of their signal. Thus, fast-flowing water (such as blood) will be black on DWI. That said, ADC is the negative logarithm of the signal intensity ratio, so the tissue will have a high apparent diffusion coefficient.

In a more highly cellular environment, there is impedance of the water molecules (by intact cell membranes, for instance) and the water molecules are more likely to receive the full rephrasing gradient and retain signal (be bright on DWI). The resultant apparent diffusion coefficient is decreased. Thus, these highly cellular areas are considered to have "restricted diffusion."

These sequences in body imaging are useful for dissociating abscess from necrotic tumors, for example.

Pre and Post Dynamic Contrast enhanced T1 weighted images:
(Pre, 20 sec, 70 sec, and 3 min)

Contrast shortens the T1 of blood (decreases the time to recovery of longitudinal magnetization), which allows for increased signal intensity. Further, much like CT, dynamic contrast allows for evaluation of hypervascular versus hypovascular lesions.

Illustrative cases
Case 1: Melanoma Metastases
DDX: Hemorrhagic metastases (colon, thyroid, breast, choriocarcinoma, melanoma, RCC)

Case 2: Hepatic Adenoma
Hepatic adenoma:
  • Loses signal on out of phase due to intratumoral lipid.
  • Hypervascular on dynamic contrast enhancement.
  • No central scar.

Case 3: Focal Nodular Hyperplasia
Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH):
  • Iso to hypo-intense on T1
  • Iso to slightly hyper-intense on T2
  • Marked enhancement on arterial phase, isointense on portal venous phase and slightly hyperintense on delayed phase
  • Central scar 75-80% of lesions

Case 4: Hemangioma
  • T1 hypointense to liver
  • T2 hyperintense to everything but CSF
  • Dynamic contrast enhancement
    • Smaller lesions immediate uniform enhancement
    • Medium: peripheral nodular with centripetal progression to uniform enhancement
    • Large: peripheral with centripetal progression with persistent central hypointensity secondary to nonenhancing central scar
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